
  • WASD to move
  • Mouse to aim
  • Space to pause
  • E to switch guns
  • 1, 2, 3, to select SMG, shotgun, sniper
  • R to reset after death

There's a window scale setting in the pause menu.

I think there's a bug that causes enemies to do double damage on the HTML version, so its quite a bit harder than the windows version.

You are Scaletron Tipper 33L, aka ST33L, a robot built to destroy Scaletrons: evil robots that are built to various scales, from human-sized to building-sized. You must scale them from inside, destroy the head when you reach the top, and kill any smaller Scaletrons you see along the way. 

I had to scale down my game quite a bit due to my power going out halfway through. I might make a small-scale update later with a few more mechanics, timers, controller support, keybinds, sound effects and music, more levels, better graphics, etc., but who knows if I'll ever get around to it. 

I was planning on having 3 missions: Scale: "Building",  Scale: "Skyscraper", and Scale: "That's no moon", and maybe a tutorial mission called Scale: "Human". The level currently in the game is what i managed to finish of Scale: "Building".


Tip The Scales 4.3 MB

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